Dear friend,

I’m counting on you to help our NPA team fight to ensure Stanley Park is once again open to all residents and visitors, including senior citizens and those with disabilities.

Vancouver residents and businesses made sacrifices when the park’s automobile traffic was restricted to a single lane to allow for physical distancing.

That means many who previously enjoyed Stanley Park were unable to visit during the pandemic, which took a considerable toll on their physical and mental health. And reduced automobile traffic meant businesses in the area already struggling when travel and tourism dried up suffered even further.

But with the worst of the pandemic behind us, the NPA believes it’s time to restore pre-COVID access to Stanley Park! More simply put, it’s long past the time for Vancouver residents to take back Stanley Park!

If you agree with me, I need your help. Right now.

A recent report on the future of Stanley Park DOESN’T recommend restoring pre-COVID access. It only recommends further study. To me, that’s unacceptable. Vancouver residents don’t need more study. They need Stanley Park back!

This report will be discussed at the upcoming Vancouver Park Board meeting this Monday night, and members of the public are welcome to attend and have their voices heard.

Will you come to the next Park Board meeting, speak out, and fight to take back Stanley Park with me?

The meeting will take place Monday, July 18 at 6:30 PM.

<<<Tap here to sign up to speak at the next Park Board meeting>>>

The NPA solidly believes that Stanley Park belongs to the people of Vancouver, including those who can only take in its natural beauty by travelling by vehicle. But that’s not all…

Stanley Park is the jewel of Vancouver. Not only is it loved by residents, but it’s a leading Canadian attraction. Unfortunately, with the present restrictions and traffic congestion, tour buses avoid the park entirely, depriving visitors of the full Vancouver experience.

It’s time to rip up the ugly orange traffic cones outlining the “temporary” (soon to be permanent?) bike lane, end the traffic congestion, and let EVERY Vancouver resident and visitor know they’re welcome to enjoy Stanley Park.

Join the fight to take back Stanley Park by standing shoulder to shoulder with me at the next Park Board meeting and speaking out.

And help the NPA give Stanley Park back to the people of Vancouver.

Thanks in advance for your help.


John Coupar

P.S. In addition to speaking out at the next Park Board meeting, there’s another way to help the NPA take back Stanley Park. If you can, I urge you to support the election of a new NPA administration by tapping here right now to support our campaign with a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or even $1250.Thank you!