July 19, 2022

‘Enough is enough’:

NPA Team says Public Safety ‘must be the City’s top priority’ after a stranger assault
results in a homicide.

July 19, 2022. Vancouver, B.C. NPA Mayoral Candidate John Coupar and City Councillor Melissa De Genova are calling on Mayor Kennedy Stewart to make public safety the City’s top priority after the VPD confirmed today that an unprovoked attack by a stranger resulted in Vancouver’s most recent homicide.

“Councillor De Genova called on Council to hold a Public Meeting on Violent Crime in April and Council supported her motion, along with direction to staff to report back with recommendations in June. Here we are in July and the Mayor can’t bothered to put this on the Council agenda,” said John Coupar. “That’s outrageous.”

Concerned by the Vancouver Police Department’s confirmation that on average there are four stranger assaults a day in Vancouver, Coupar said “Kennedy Stewart delaying the report back and recommendations on Public Safety is unconscionable. Enough is enough. Our NPA Team
will stand up for that safe Vancouver that you can afford.”

De Genova has voiced concern in the past that the rise in violent stranger assaults would eventually result in a homicide. Since 2020, she has tried to convince Council with three separate motions to focus on Public Safety and have the City of Vancouver prioritize working with the Vancouver Police Department to find solutions to decrease violent crime.

“Everyone should feel safe in Vancouver and I hear the concern and worry daily from people, especially families and seniors, who no longer feel safe walking in their neighbourhoods.

Noting there are environmental fac tors that are core services of the city, including aspects of the Four Pillars Drug Strategy, she says “Making Vancouver a safe city should be City Council’s top priority. Sadly, as the Mayor and his majority on Council continue to do nothing, we will only
see things get worse. What can be more important to the people in our city, especially families, seniors and the most vulnerable, t han ensuring that they feel safe in their own neighbourhood.”

John Coupar and the NPA Team have long supported the actions of the Vancouver Police Department and appreciate their tireless work to make Vancouver a safe place for everyone.



Media please call or text Ben Lawton at 604 802 9919